
Pond & Farr Families

The dads in these two great families and I are kindred spirits: the three of us have suffered through nearly a year and a half of law school together--with many of the same classes. I really believe that making it through that first year together creates a bond that no one else really understands.

With that said, I'm hoping they don't mind a joint preview. here goes.

The kiddos didn't last very long in this shoot because of the horrible cold at bv falls--but I think we still managed to get some fun fall family shots! I'm always amazed at what kids are excited to play with. this day, it was my little wooden stool--they couldn't get enough of it.

This little boy was such a ham! he was crackin' me up with his "dinosaur" walk and constant curiosity. Needless to say, most of the great shots here are candids--he wasn't having anything remotely posed, unless we made it into a game. I hope I get boys as inquisitive and stinking cute as little g.

1 comment:

  1. Cute Alli! I was going to do a shoot at Sundance on Saturday, but it was FREEZING, and cloudy. I did it in Orem instead. You're so good with the kiddies :)
