
Baby Taysen | Utah Newborn Photography

Just a few images from baby Taysen's first 12 hours of life today. I'll have many more to share when I get the film back, but I couldn't wait to share!

It's always amazing how quickly newborns melt hearts. I already love him, too. P.S. You may recognize some of these amazing people from several other shoots.


  1. So darling! And I love the look on Marne's face, too. Can't wait to meet the little guy. Thanks for posting!

  2. Oh, he's adorable! And I LOVE the name! (love the pictures too, of course!) Tell Spencer & Laura congrats for us. I'm so glad you posted pictures--I knew she was due anytime now, and I was curious if she'd had him yet. Hope things are going well for them!

  3. Oh yahoo! I'm so glad those pics are up, it's so exciting to see him. What a beautiful baby already and so lucky to have amazing photos. Congrats to all.
